today is 6th of dis 2010,.,.dat mean 2 more days to the enrollment of kuliyyah at gombak,.,.aku still x rsa exited or feel like on the cloud nine,..,.,
'u r offered to the kuliyyah of engineering,.,.bachelor in engineering (mechanical-automotive) (honour)'
,.,..,apakah itu,.,.,ditambah lagi dgn berita2 panaz mengatakan only 50% from the number of students taken will be grad from kuliyyah of engineering,..,.,where others??,.,.change course or dismiss laaaaaa.,,..,waaaa,..,so scary.,.,dat y im not really exited when offered dis course n im not told the other people outside family of UIA(exept my family la) coz they not really understood what actually UIA is,.,..,only jauhari mengenal manikam,.,.,hahahah,.,.,Ya Allah sesungguhnya aku sangat lemah,.,.insan yg tidak mempunyai apa2 melainkan kehebatan yg sedikit yg telah kau kurniakan ini.,,.i know im not go there for persuing the transcript of degree,.,.but i will remind myself every day to persuing the knowledge,,nama pon the garden of knowledge n virtue kan,.,..,.am I will get job in future with my degree??,..,a lot of jobless people outside,.,.im hope i can use my degree but im should prepared mentally n physically if dat not happened i must have B plan,.,.dat y knowledge is more important compare to the degree nowadays,.,.the other question to be asked if i got job with my degree,.,.am I will get a lot of money with my job???,.,.if the answer is yes,.,.am i will happy??,.,.how if my wife n children make a lot of trouble,.,.,.can I settle all problems facing by money??..,so Ya Allah tunjukkanlah aku jalan yg benar,.,.jalan yg membawa daku kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat,.,..,segulung ijazah belum tentu memberikan daku kerja,,.,.pekerjaan belum tentu memberikan daku wang yg melimpah,.,.wang yg melimpah belum tentu memberikan aku kebahagiaan,.,.rabbana hablana min azwajina wa zurriyatina qurrata 'ayun waja'alna lil muttaqinaimama,.,.,.kurniakan aku kehidupan yg sentiasa dlm rahmat dan diatas landasan menuju syurgaMu ya Allah,.,.,.jadikan daku insaan yg berguna kepada merea disekelilingku,.,.,.biarkan mereka gembira dgn kehadiranku.,,
'hablumminallah wa hablumminannass',,.